



 昨年の国際メンガー・シンポジウムにつづいて、今度は「国際法哲学会」において研究発表をするという機会に恵まれた。大会の正式名称は、XXII World Congress of Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy。アルハンブラ宮殿で有名なスペインのグラナダにて、2005年5月24日から29日にかけて開催された大会である。大会開催の1年前、森村進先生が「リバタリアニズム」というテーマで本大会における「ワークショップ」を企画するというので、私もその企画に参加を申し出たのであった。




Prof. Morimura

ROOM 29, Exhibition and Conference Center.

Wednesday, May 25th


15:30-17:30 Chair: Yachiko Yamada (Chuo University Tokio, Japan)

  15:30-15:50 Susumu Morimura (Hitotsubashi University, Tokio, Japan). The Libertarian View of Human Nature.

  15:50-16:10 Ilya Somin (George Mason University of Law, USA). The Politics of Ignorance.

  16:10-16:30 Discussion.

  16:30-16:50 Yuko Hashimoto (Kobe University, Kobe, Japan). What matters is Absolute Poverty, not Relative Poverty.

  16:50-17:10 Douglas Rasmussen (St. John’s University, New York City, USA) and Douglas Den Uyl (Liberty Fund, Indianapolis, USA) Atomism.

  17:10-17:30 Discussion


17:30-18:00 Café


18:00-20:00 Chair: Susumu Morimura (Hitotsubashi University, Tokio, Japan)

  18:00-18:20 Yachiko Yamada (Chuo University, Tokio, Japan). Freedom in Private Law: The Meeting of Libertarian Freedom in Contact Law.

  18:20-18:40 Daniel Shapiro (West Virginia University, USA). Libertarianism and Egalitarianism: Not as far Apart as you Might Think.

  18:40-19:00 Discussion

  19:00-19:20 Tsutomu Hashimoto (Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan). On the Concept of Positive and Negative Freedom: An Examination on Libertarianism.

  19:20-19:40 Discussion






The impact of Isaiah Berlin’s thesis of the paradox of positive freedom – monstrous impersonation into collective entities – has been so strong that prevented us to use this concept safely in political discourse. As a result, we are now facing at inflationary use of the concept of negative freedom: we put too many ideals into this concept. However, Berlin was not a libertarian but a value pluralist. From a libertarian point of view, he should have defended his own ideal under the concept of positive liberty.

   On the other hand, we are now facing at the other pair of paradoxes: a paradox of negative freedom. After the terrorist attack on September 11th 2001, the preemptive attack to other nations has been justified under the idea of “freedom from fear.” This usage of negative freedom would be an abuse of the terminology and causes monstrous effects in reality. How can we avoid bad effects of inflationary use of the concept of negative freedom? I propose another criterion for the demarcation of positive and negative liberty with reference to the degree of financial support by the government for its realization. According to this criterion, the concept of negative freedom with certain financial support would be categorized into the other camp of freedom without appealing to its central meaning of “self-mastery.”

   Preemptive attack justified through the idea of “freedom of fear,” is a good example. A school voucher system with the idea of “freedom as opportunity” would be another example. A policy which promotes market competition or a policy of minimum income indemnification would also be justified in terms of the concept of positive freedom: The former is justified under the idea of “freedom as discovery” and the latter is justified under the idea of “freedom as basic capability.” Through these categorical clarifications, we would be able to restrict the inflationary use of the concept of negative freedom.






[Photo IVR 2005 Granada]